The fullness of the Pleroma shines wholly with the light of the emanating Aeons in their syzygies. The lowest of whom, in cascading order, is Wisdom, dubbed otherwise as (the) Sophia.
Sophia was not sated with her knowledge.
So in a quest to seek more, she attempts to breach the unknowable One, emanating alone without her syzygy. And in the pursuit of knowledge, she crashed through the intransigent Bythos. And upon the staggering crashing, she fell into the nadir of the Kenoma, and with incessant panic, she yearned for apotheosis once more. The strength of her essence tore through the malleable Kenoma and evoked two novel concepts, hyle and psyche, representing matter and soul.And from Sophia’s subconscious, the malleable darkness summoned an abhorrence, a serpentine being. She breathed into his face and tossed her son into the depths of the darkness of the Kenoma, calling out to him, “Child, pass through to here,” or “Yalta Baoth” in Greek.
Slithered from his mother, Sophia’s clutches, Yaldabaoth rose to the darkness to create the Earth